Travelling North

Travelling North
the 2 of us at Karumba Queensland

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Port Douglas

Very swish. Palm-lined roads lead the visitor to the centre. Deciding to window shop, we started at one end and returned on the other side. Window shopping was a good plan because looking at some of the prices on some clothes in some shops kept my purse firmly closed. I did lash out and bought a pair of sunnies (discounted).

In my K-Mart shorts and Target top, I ventured into a clothes shop and felt as though I'd become part of a Kath and Kim show with Trude and Prue (although there was only one shop assistant). When I came out, Robert made comment that the face of the woman was scary. Purse stayed firmly shut - cost of a very nice shirt/blouse was $229!

We've been hanging out for some Thai food and we're planning on buying take away and sitting somewhere near the beach tonight for dinner. There are so many eateries here so we may have to check out a couple. Did look at one restaurant that had live fish and mud crabs in aquaria. We eat fish and crabs but the mud crabs had their large nippers firmly secured so they couldn't move around - won't be eating there - seems to be a cruel practice.

Park at Port Douglas

Marina at Port Douglas (more boats than this (looks very luxurious).