Travelling North

Travelling North
the 2 of us at Karumba Queensland

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Surprise!

We've been able to eat outside most evenings. Tonight was no exception. After dinner, I started to clear up some food that had been dropped onto the concrete slab of our site. I was scraping up a bit of tomato with a spoon, when out of nowhere jumped a little frog. It leapt straight through my legs and we think it headed for the garden, which was a short distance away. I was so suprised that I stood so still just in case I accidentally stood on it and squashed it.

We're at Newell Beach CP, which is a few kilometres out of Mossman. The park is almost on the beach with a road separating it from the shore. The sounds of the crashing waves is something that we've all missed since leaving home. Coconut palms grow along the shore with warnings about taking care in case of a falling coconut landing on your head. There are also warnings about stingers being in the water from November to May.

Not far from The Daintree now! I'm really excited about seeing this very special place. Tomorrow we're having a look around and hopefully Friday we can book a river cruise and board walk through some mangroves and tropical forest. There's also a Mossman Gorge tour given by the indigenous caretakers - looking forward to that as well.